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U.S. Army Reconnaissance and Surveillance Handbook by Army

U.S. Army Reconnaissance and Surveillance Handbook

U.S. Army Reconnaissance and Surveillance Handbook by Army PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Throughout history, military leaders have recognized the importance of reconnaissance and surveillance. Gaining and maintaining contact with the enemy is essential to win the battle, and U.S. military history contains many examples where our knowledge of the enemy, or lack of knowledge, directly led to victory or defeat. The role of reconnaissance and surveillance has not diminished on the modern battlefield; if anything, it has become even more important. Battles at the combat training centers prove that a good reconnaissance and surveillance effort is critical to successful attacks. On the other hand, a poor reconnaissance and surveillance effort almost guarantees defeat for the commander. The message is clear: success on the battlefield begins with reconnaissance and surveillance.

Direct from the United States Army, U.S. Army Reconnaissance and Surveillance Handbook provides tactics, techniques, and procedures for reconnaissance and surveillance planning, mission management, and reporting. It also covers the development of intelligence to support counter-reconnaissance operations, employment considerations for reconnaissance, and surveillance assets, and defines the roles of various personnel in planning operations. Intended for maneuver commanders and their staffs; intelligence staffs and collection managers; and other personnel involved in planning and reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance operations, and now available to everyone, U.S. Army Reconnaissance and Surveillance Handbook provides an insider’s look into the world of Army intelligence.

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