Epub⋙: Cambridge English for Schools Starter Student's book by Andrew Littlejohn, Diana Hicks

Cambridge English for Schools Starter Student's book by Andrew Littlejohn, Diana Hicks

Cambridge English for Schools Starter Student's book

Cambridge English for Schools Starter Student's book by Andrew Littlejohn, Diana Hicks PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Cambridge English for Schools offers an exciting approach to English for students from eleven to sixteen years old. This five-level course for young students has won worldwide praise for its innovative approach that really works. It was the first course to be fully based on CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) principles. Cambridge English for Schools features a communicative, task-based approach where the content and concepts reflect students' own lives and interests. There is a clearly-structured, active approach to grammar with regular revision and evaluation. This course is effective with mixed-ability classes and emphasises learner choice, decision-making and autonomy. The Starter level provides around 40-60 hours of class work.

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