Epub⋙: Obstacles to Deliverance: Why Deliverance Sometimes Fails (The Frank Hammond Booklet Series) by Mr. Frank D. Hammond
Obstacles to Deliverance: Why Deliverance Sometimes Fails (The Frank Hammond Booklet Series) by Mr. Frank D. Hammond
Obstacles to Deliverance: Why Deliverance Sometimes Fails (The Frank Hammond Booklet Series) by Mr. Frank D. Hammond PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From the author of Pigs in the Parlor comes an answer to those struggling with results in the deliverance ministry. Why does deliverance sometimes fail? This is, in essence, the same question raised by Jesus’ first disciples. When these disciples were unable to cast out a spirit of epilepsy, they were puzzled and asked Jesus the reason for their failure. Jesus gave a multi-part answer which leads us to take into account the petitioner’s faith, the deliverance minister’s capability, the spiritual qualifications that must be met, the strength of the spirit confronted and the strategy of warfare employed. In particular, there are myths, misunderstandings and misinformation concerning the ministry of deliverance. The first battleground is in the minds of men, where Satan has sown questions, doubts and fears that become hindrances to involvement in this valid, biblical ministry. Those who want an answer should be given an answer. Ignorance, prejudice and fear are hurdles that some sincere Christians must get over before they are willing to become involved in spiritual warfare. Before one can bring himself to obedience to deal with the devil and demons, certain obstacles must be overcome in one’s mind.From reader reviews:
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