Epub⋙: Relativity: An Introduction to Spacetime Physics by Steve Adams

Relativity: An Introduction to Spacetime Physics by Steve Adams

Relativity: An Introduction to Spacetime Physics

Relativity: An Introduction to Spacetime Physics by Steve Adams PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Provides the essential principles and results of special relativity as required by undergraduates. The text uses a geometric interpretation of space-time so that a general theory is seen as a natural extension of the special theory. Although most results are derived from first principles, complex and distracting mathematics is avoided and all mathematical steps and formulae are fully explained and interpreted, often with explanatory diagrams.; The emphasis throughout the text is on understanding the physics of relativity. The structure of the book is designed to allow students of different courses to choose their own route through the short self-contained sections in each chapter. The latter part of the book shows how Einstein's theory of gravity is central to unraveling fundamental questions of cosmology.

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