Epub⋙: Beginning .NET Game Programming in C# by David Weller, Alexandre Santos Lobao, Ellen Hatton, Apress

Beginning .NET Game Programming in C# by David Weller, Alexandre Santos Lobao, Ellen Hatton, Apress

Beginning .NET Game Programming in C#

Beginning .NET Game Programming in C# by David Weller, Alexandre Santos Lobao, Ellen Hatton, Apress PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This long-awaited title provides a clear introduction to game programming for you, C# programmers! Microsoft insiders have written an easy-to-read guide, so you can start programming games quickly. This book even includes an introduction to Managed DirectX 9, and other advanced .NET features, like animation and sounds.

Code examples are actually complete games, and include .Nettrix, .Netterpillars, River Pla.NET, Magic KindergarteN, D-iNfEcT, Nettrix II (for the Pocket PC), and a version of the classic game, Spacewars.

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