Epub⋙: Annie and the Red-Hot Italian (The Balfour Brides Book 6) by Carole Mortimer

Annie and the Red-Hot Italian (The Balfour Brides Book 6) by Carole Mortimer

Annie and the Red-Hot Italian (The Balfour Brides Book 6)

Annie and the Red-Hot Italian (The Balfour Brides Book 6) by Carole Mortimer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Annie is a single mother who adores her young son—but as one of the notorious Balfour heiresses, she will have to work hard to give her baby a normal childhood. Then a chance meeting forces her back into the world of Luca de Salvatore, the gorgeous father of her child!

Luca doesn't know that he has a son. Annie has to tell him, but Luca can't see past her spoiled and scandalous Balfour reputation. Can Annie find a way to make Luca understand—and let her little boy know his father?

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