Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life by Winifred Gallagher
Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life by Winifred Gallagher PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A revolutionary look at how what we pay attention to determines how we experience lifeAcclaimed behavioral science writer Winifred Gallagher's Rapt makes the radical argument that much of the quality of your life depends not on fame or fortune, beauty or brains, fate or coincidence, but on what you choose to pay attention to. Rapt introduces a diverse cast of characters, from researchers to artists to ranchers, to illustrate the art of living the interested life. As their stories show, by focusing on the most positive and productive elements of any situation, you can shape your inner experience and expand your world. By learning to focus, you can improve your concentration, broaden your inner horizons, and most important, feel what it means to be fully alive.
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