Epub⋙: The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides by Michael Singer

The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides by Michael Singer

The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides by Michael Singer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Fountain of Youth has been the object of desire for many adventurers since Ponce de Leon was rumored to have discovered it in the early sixteenth century. For Jack Sparrow, the fountain is equivalent to the ultimate freedom: eternal life. But regardless of whether or not Jack finds the Aqua de Vita, he has already been immortalized—in the hearts and minds of Pirates fans all over the world.

            Those fans have been waiting with immense anticipation since the last scene in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End hinted that Jack was destined for future endeavors. And now, it is certain that they will not be disappointed. With the release of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, The Walt Disney Studios usher in a new era. A new director, Rob Marshall, is at the helm of the franchise, and he is sure to guide the film on a course to great bounty.

            The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides showcases all of the incredible visual development that went into the creation of the film. Concept art, digital renderings, costume sketches, prop schematics, and storyboards are the prized cargo aboard this ship of dreams, and they are accompanied by informative text written by the film’s unit publicist, Michael Singer. For any sailor who wishes to preserve a bit of Pirates lore forevermore, this book is tantamount to a sip from the cup of life.

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