Epub⋙: Class President by Johanna Hurwitz

Class President by Johanna Hurwitz

Class President

Class President by Johanna Hurwitz PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The fifth-grade class election is shaping up as a close contest between class clown Lucas Cott and one time teacher's pet Cricket Kaufman. It's just possible that the student with the greatest leadership ability is Julio Sanchez, but Julio's too busy running Lucas's campaign to notice. Or is he? And how can Julio throw his hat into the ring without betraying his best friend?

Johanna Hurwitz introduced Julio, Cricket, and Lucas in Class Clown and Teacher's Pet, earning a ringing vote of confidence from Publishers Weekly: "Hurwitz masterfully demonstrates why she is one of the premier practitioners of the humorous school story genre."In Class President, she has backed these delightful characters with a winning ticket of humor and insight.

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